Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Welcome, 2017, and New Years Eve

It is here! It is finally 2017! Happy New Year!

Okay to be honest, my New Years Eve was super chilled. And therefore the actual moment of "This is now 2017" was also quite random for me.

Me and S decided to stay home, as we had gone out the night before with out friends (and with a little help from too much wine + beer we really didn't want to drink either). For the past 6 years! we have either thrown a New Years party or been to a one, so every 31st has been a whirlwind of getting the place ready, the food, the music, organizing and planning the night and finally, very quickly, getting ready ourselves.

Image may contain: 3 people

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling

So, a few weeks ago, we decided that we want to spend the last day of 2016 chilled and not do anything crazy. And, also, we got home around 2 pm, went to bed as we were both hungover, and got up around 6 pm. We watched some (crappy) TV, played ALIAS, worked on a Minions puzzle (a Christmas gift) and ate loads of epic vegan food.

As it got closer to midnight, we decided to go to the city center for fireworks, and thanks to someone (me), who decided to change their clothes about 100 times, we made it on the last tram and were squished with people who were all also late. But we made it to the Freedom Square just in time for the fireworks!

When I stood there, watching the fireworks, I thought that is this it? Every year for a while new years has been a loud party, and when you're at a party, things feel different. But now, standing there completely sober and chilled, the moment of the "new year" seemed so trivial. And as I didn't want to feel like that, I decided to see what was so special - and then it hit me. It is special, that there now is a new year, and not because it is a new year to be "new me" or to start some fad diet or whatever. It is special because we have lived another year. I am well, the people that I care about are well and healthy and happy, we are safe. I know this might sound lame, but I really did feel very grateful at that moment and think that this is something important to bring along to this year and was a good note to start the year with.

On that note, this year I also decided to make some "resolutions". At first I wrote them down as plans, but after seeing a video about when you make a resolution to be happier, for example, you set out the idea that you are not happy enough at the moment, I changed up my resolutions to statements. Statements of what I am and what I will continue to be this year:

  • I am in the present. I don't over analyze and things go as they do, while working towards my dreams.
  • I trust
  • I believe in the good.
  • I love.
  • I am calm and balanced.
And, fair enough, for good measure - some more typical plans for this new year:
  • Drink less! I started the year sober. Let's make it a thing this year? ;)
  • Take more pictures! I used to take loads of pictures, of everything, but over the past years I haven't focused on it as much, but I really do want to take pictures - they are memories!
  • Travel! In 2016 I managed to travel more than I have before. Travelling is amazing, it gives so much and there is so much I want to see!
  • Blog! To write to myself, to record my life.
  • Create! I used to draw a lot and I want to get more into it again.
There you go - let's see in a year if I manage to keep my plans! :)

Hope your year goes as you plan! 

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