Saturday, March 21, 2015

Finally destressing!

Hello everyone!

I know this has been getting a bit ghostly here, with no posts, but there is a reason! As it is my final year in university, all the projects and work from it has been driving all of us a bit crazy! Add to it some other issues I have been struggling with, blogging has been the last thing on my mind, even just to write it out, I haven't really had any energy.

But now, I am finally at home! And there is only one more project left. And there is about 2 months until the hand in date, and it is almost easter time, it is spring, the days are sunnier and longer.. This is all helping me to feel a bit less stressed. And hopefully make some cutesauce posts. Such dream, right?

So in the mean time, enjoy the spring and this awesome song that has helped me feel better and focus on the good things!
